Sunday, September 26, 2010


Amazingly enough, it rained overnight and it made the temperature drop about 20 degrees. It finally feels like autumn. :)


  1. These are beautiful images, Indigo.

  2. Thanks :)

    When I was a teen, I was pretty enthusiastic about photography. I'm trying my hand at nature photography now. The great thing about nature is that it always changes and there are always new things to photograph.

  3. love the photos! i love the plants!
    btw, should i call you indigo or mage? .. :)

  4. Foam: Indigo is fine :)

    I finally got a camera phone with a decent resolution so it takes good pictures (by day at least). It's too bad it doesn't have a flash. By night, my phone takes pretty lousy pictures.

    Of course, few people on the blogs take pictures as good as you, Greg, and Phosgene. :)
