Sunday, January 23, 2011

No recent photo ops

For all intents and purposes, I'm a warm weather person. I don't even mind when it's very hot. For example, I did a 14-mile power walk in 105 degree weather. But I sure don't like cold weather much. So, alas, I don't get out much when it's freezing cold.

It was 14 degrees out yesterday when I did the grocery shopping. The sky was flat grey and the sun looked like a heatless brass disc in the sky. Very uninspiring. Even the limited exposure outdoors made me feel fatigued.

So... There will be more entries and more pictures when it's at least 40 degrees out. For now at least I'm sorta trapped in the house for the next six weeks or so when the weather starts warming up.

But fear not, friends, spring will come. There will be new flowers, new growth, new butterflies, and the critters of the woods will return. The wheel of the year turns. This is just a quiet part of the year.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I'm very excited that I might be teaching a class on introductory Wicca this spring. The owner of Candles & Cauldrons also has space for instructors who want to teach about various magical topics. My plan is to have eight 1-hour lessons. I also got permission from the coordinators of Turning Circle.

So now comes the tough part: writing the curriculum. I have the first two lessons written and I'm writing the third lesson now. Here's the outline of my lesson plan:

Part One
-- What Wicca is and what Wicca isn't
-- Brief history of modern Wicca
-- Cult Awareness

Part Two
-- The Wiccan Rede
-- Basic Core Beliefs and Ethics

Part Three
-- The Eight Sabbats
-- Moon Rituals (Esbets)

Part Four
-- Essential Ritual Tools (Athane, wand, chalice, pentacle)
-- Additional Ritual Tools (broom, cauldron, censer, boline, etc.)

Part Five
-- Constructing a ritual

Part Six
-- Basic meditation exercises

Part Seven
-- Basic spellcraft
-- Magical correspondences.

Part Eight
-- Divination tools (Tarot, Runes)

So... I'm pretty excited. Hopefully the class won't be a bomb. :)