Saturday, January 8, 2011


I'm very excited that I might be teaching a class on introductory Wicca this spring. The owner of Candles & Cauldrons also has space for instructors who want to teach about various magical topics. My plan is to have eight 1-hour lessons. I also got permission from the coordinators of Turning Circle.

So now comes the tough part: writing the curriculum. I have the first two lessons written and I'm writing the third lesson now. Here's the outline of my lesson plan:

Part One
-- What Wicca is and what Wicca isn't
-- Brief history of modern Wicca
-- Cult Awareness

Part Two
-- The Wiccan Rede
-- Basic Core Beliefs and Ethics

Part Three
-- The Eight Sabbats
-- Moon Rituals (Esbets)

Part Four
-- Essential Ritual Tools (Athane, wand, chalice, pentacle)
-- Additional Ritual Tools (broom, cauldron, censer, boline, etc.)

Part Five
-- Constructing a ritual

Part Six
-- Basic meditation exercises

Part Seven
-- Basic spellcraft
-- Magical correspondences.

Part Eight
-- Divination tools (Tarot, Runes)

So... I'm pretty excited. Hopefully the class won't be a bomb. :)


  1. I would pay a lot to attend this course; this is what a wiccan intro class should be about. I wish you luck !
